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sherrardk | 21:55 Sun 30th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
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Just wondering if you have recovered from your babysitting duties?


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Hi Sherrard.

Yes thank you - but only just! As I said, I ached in places I didbn't know I had. That being said I always enjoy baby-sitting K. They live 34 miles away though and I have to get there for 6.30am! Till the next time then!
Be careful, Andyvon.

Sherrardk has got five kids and I think that you might have just volunteered to look after them all ;-)
Five! Wow, I'm impressed Sherrard! I have had just a glimmer of what it's like to bring one up - but five! I salute you madam!
you enjoy baby-sitting K? I'll bet!
Yes I do Jno. This time she liked being held upside-down by her ankles and walked through the house so that she could touch things like the oven, table, coats etc upside-down. That's what tired me out as she's quite heavy even though she's only 3. Then she had me scrabbling around on the floor playing with her dolls house and toys (she often waltzed off leaving me playing with them!)

I enjoy it so much in fact that I've decided I would have liked to have been a father and have children of my own. Still, they never came along and it's a bit late now. I'll make the most of K though. (They were going to have another child quickly after K but one hasn't appeared. I haven't liked to ask but I think money and work are tricky).
Andyvon, you are of the sane stuff as I, we've got 2 granchildren girls 6 & 4 we lived that distance away from them & only saw them once or twice a week. I knew thar once they started school we would hardly see them at all, what with the school run every day & my daughter having a w/end job.
We are oap's & knew we had to resolve this before the eldest started school. We had no intention of doing this we were quite happy as we were But the thought of them growing up & us not being there to be part of their lives was awful.
So we decided to move nearer them, Here we are now been here 20 months & its the best decision we've ever made.
We see our girls all the time, we have sleepovers, sometimes we do the school run,, we know their little friends. We get involved in school affairs (jumble sales, summer fairs etc) We truly are a part of their lives now
Can't wait for the summer when we'll be off to the park, the zoo & the beach.
They are not next door, they're 2 miles away but its still 32 miles closer.
Have you thought of becoming more involved? - Then Move closer you'll never regret it.
Good Luck.

Hi Jem.

No, I hadn't thought of moving closer. I don't mind the drive every so often, although the early morning doesn't help as I feel quite grotty about 11 o'clock. My brother and SIL have to leave early to catch trains. I've said to my wife that if we lived closer we would probably be baby-sitting far more times. I would if I had to of course but it's also convenient not being just around the corner. I could see us having to collect K from school every day otherwise and we do have a life of our own.

You certainly sound as if you are having a great time with your grandchildren. I hope we get to have K sleeping over with us when she's older like your grandchildren. Days out sound a good idea too and I'm sure you love evey minute.
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Hi andyvon, I was actually thinking how great it would be to have a BIL like yourself, you sound like the indulgent uncle that my children need. I have friends who will look after the children when needed but I only ask when I am in dire straits (when it was my mother's funeral - the eldest came with us, but the four youngest went to different people's houses, when one of the twins need a hearing test, my friend looked after the other, etc). People around here are very keen to help but I find it difficult to let go .
Good evening Sherrard.

Perhaps you also feel that you don't want to be a bother to people. I know I'm like that. It's good that you do have people around to help you as we all need help from time to time.

I do love being the uncle. This is the first time I've really had any contact with young children and I love every minute if the truth be known. I'm sure you love every minute of being a Mum too. Perhaps being a parent is one of those things where you quickly forget the stressful times which leaves you with the enjoyable experiences and memories.
We moved to South Wales about 6 years ago, our daughter was settled in th Midlands, she missed us, and soon followed, she settled here, and now we have 2 grandsons, they live just 6 miles away!.......I do the school run most days, I love it!......have made lots of friends both grannys and mums, and am involved with the boys daily!.................
That will be something my brother and SIL will have to sort out in a couple of years Welshlibranr (when do kids start school - is it 5?) They both commute leaving early and getting home late. We would pick K up if we lived nearer but I wouldn't want to get in the situation of having to do it every day. My wife and I have a fair bit on our plate as it is. I don't know what's going to happen as they both need to work to pay their mortgage.
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Hi all- after the twins were born I should have asked for help. My other child were 7, 4 and 2, but I was too stubborn I suppose. I ended up making myself really poorly (eventually diagnosed as glandular fever - felt like I was dying). We had only lived here for a year and I hadn't realised that people were being kind (I thought that they thought I wasnt coping). Now I know I can ask and people actually like helping, especially looking after the twins as two toddlers are so much fun.
Andyvron, our boys are just four and nearly five, the youngest goes to th Nursery class in the local school, and the elder one is in Reception at the same school, so here in South Wales they can start at 3 to 31/2 if places are available........they have both attended the Nursery class, and have really enjoyed the stimulation! daughter has to work too!....sign of the times!.......
>>>as two toddlers are so much fun<<<

I'd never thought of you as being into masochism, Sherrardk!
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Hi Buenchico - seriously, toddlers are great, but two are a scream. They are polar opposites in all respects and as I don't work (had to go back when the others were little) I really enjoy their company. They are a tag-team when it comes to being naughty, very ingenious at times.
Sher, ours are similar to twins, being only lesss than ten months apart in age, the oldest one instigates the mischief, and the younger one gets all the blame for it!'s crazy!............but they are soooo much fun!.............wouldn't miss it for the world!........
Your children are naughty, Sherrardk? I thought that they'd all be perfect little angels!

Are you a 'Supernanny' type mum, or more old-fashioned?

I do like little kids but I feel more confident when I'm asked to look after slightly older ones. I used to find that, whenever I went to a family wedding reception, it seemed to be assumed that (because I was a teacher) I'd be happy to look after the side room which had been designated as an improvised creche. So I could find myself trying to keep a dozen pre-teens happy (where some of the older ones had probably been sneaking booze from the free bar!). I could never quite see the logic in assuming that a secondary teacher could look after toddlers but I loved being with the primary school age kids.
Perhaps it is a sign of the times W that members of the extended family are having to help out more now. Mothers didn't have to work a generation ago (none of the kids' mothers that I went to school with anyway). Everyone had their Mum at home and Dad at work (and they all had jobs too - none of our Dads were 'unemployed'). I suppose the economic state of the country has changed all that.
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Too be fair to them they are generally very good and people compliment us on how well behaved they are if we eat out, etc (like they presume that they should be badly behaved). I rarely have to tell them off but the girl twin is wild - but completely adorable, everyone loves her. We are both ex-teachers but I generally tend not to like other people's children, I just like mine. I never offer to look after a child who is still in nappies as I couldn't change a stinky butt. I wasn't going to have any children and it is probably a good idea that I had the first one when I was older as I think they are brilliant.
Yes Andyvron, sure you are right there, there is so much more pressure on young families these days, I was able to stay home with my children when they were small, not so nowadays sadly, but I enjoy helping out with my gransons, I love them to bits!.......just want the best for them!...........

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