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Dinner by Heston Blumenthal

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joggerjayne | 20:45 Tue 01st Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Who's going to try Heston's new place ?

I can't wait.

I wonder if there's a long wait for reservations ?


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Yes, and a baby chair.
I always laugh when I see those arty towers chefs build up on a plate, especially when it has 4 chips on top in a criss cross pattern - where's the rest of the chips for fluffs sake, that ain't never gonna fill you up

Proper food, proper portions
It would probably fill me up...
Very small appetite ummmm?
''Salamagundy: Chicken Oysters, Bone Marrow and Horseradish Cream... £15.00''

For fluffs sake...
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"4 chips in a criss cross pattern"

So ... "pont neuf chips" then ?


Sorry, Tiggy ... I meant, of course, a table for three !!
Yeah....sadly. I do eat plenty...just not in one go. Really pees me off...
I like tasting different foods.
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I think the oyster on a chicken is that bit underneath, if you were carving it, and you have to turn it over an poke it out with your finger.
I don't do poking bits of food off a chicken (yeuch).
"pont neuf chips"?

Thick cut to us ordinary folk
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But if you stack them up, they are "pont neuf"

Just like if you take a pile of bricks, and stack them up ... it's a wall.
Have you ever tried Le Manoir aux Quatres Saison at Great Milton, near Thame, Jayne; that is brilliant and a wonderful setting.

Not cheap mind you but well worth the experience. A cheaper way out of experiencing the place is to go for tea.......
Pont Neuf frites surely at that price.

I like my food to look nice but not played about with first, and I couldn't justify spending £300 or so on a meal
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Oh, I LOVE Le Manoir, DTC.

We've been there a few times for lunch, and still been sitting on the lawn, drinking wine, when the dinner guests have been arriving at 7.00.

Yes, it's fab.

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