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"You have inserted too quickly...."

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Bbbananas | 09:25 Wed 02nd Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
This is what the chip 'n pin machine said to me last week in Tesco.

"Huh" says I, without taking in the fact the cashier was a very young, very green (and soon to be very red) young man fresh out of school - "Story of my life........"

I've never had this message before - technology today eh?


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Was just thinking of you Salla... Dan Lob in a pair of trunks on the telly...
Yeah, I have to tell customers that all the time with their cards when they're paying. Worse, is when they think it's going too slow, and keep taking it in and out....
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Ooh Dan Lob...... that's took my mind off my diarrhoea (see above).
In fairness B00 all card machines take exactly the wrong amount of time to process. It is on the edge of time where it is slightly too long to get away with just dealing with the machine and leaving with minimal, but polite contact - and slightly no long enough long to make and meaningful contact with the cashier without being interrupted.
I've heard that phrase somehere before. I wonder where that wa................. ah yes, I remember now.
"slightly no long enough long to make and meaningful contact with the cashier without being interrupted. "

Thank God for that! You keep your meaningful contact to yourself ;-)

Nowt more annoying when you ask a customer how they are, and the selfish buggers proceed to tell you. I was only being polite, im not really interested you know :p
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Oh Boo - How I would love you to serve me ;-)

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"You have inserted too quickly...."

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