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Bbbananas | 12:17 Wed 02nd Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Denise Welch seen falling out of a nightclub, escored by Gareth Gates, after already flirting with her D.O.I. partner... Falling out of a taxi at the tv awards being picked up by Anthony Costa. Lurid headlines about alcohol and affair(s)....

Now, I quite like Denise, she's honest, imperfect, witty, a good actress.... but does anyone else think she's beginning to overdo the 'old tart' act and beginning to look pathetic and sad rather than outrageous and funny?


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I think she tottered over that particular line a little while ago.

Which is a shame, because I quite like her............
She doesn't overdo the 'old tart' act ... she is one.
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I was trying not to come over as a b1tch smurf!!

I used to like her, now I think she's going way way too far. I feel sorry for her kids. And did she ever part from Tim her husband? He seems a really nice guy.
From what I have heard from her, they do seem to be drinking buddies..............but I'm not sure that her indiscretions have ever caused them to part.
well he was in the audiende in the DOI launch she did, he's busy dressing up as an old tart in Benidorn anyway and so maybe she's doing it to give him some creative impetous
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Yeah, but he's only pretending to be an old tart.....
How often is she snapped like that? Many people could be snapped like that every Saturday night...
This is less about Denise Welch herslef than the media perception that has been created around her.

It happens to a lot of people in the public eye - the media decide they have a certain 'personna', and will profile them accordingly.

Gary Numan told me that he was always portrayed as 'miserable' by photographers, who woult take dozens of shots of him smiling, then catch him gazing into space unsmiling, on an 'off-camera' moment - and that would be the shot that was used. I know from knowing him that he is a warm and witty man - just very shy.

I am sure DW is similarly perfectly well behaved except on occasions where she gets a bit tired and emotional - and the press are there to increase the public perception that she is a 'loose woman' in more ways than one.

It's the price people pay to be in the pblic eye - they have no choice.
I quite like her. Remember way back when she was in Soldier Soldier.
-- answer removed --
It did go downhill after they left Red. It was very sad when Tony was killed off.
I think she is over-doing it, but then she makes no apologies for her behaviour nor does she pretend to be anything but what she is!
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Like I said, I quite like her, but as Andy said, the media are out to 'get her' at the minute cos she's an easy target. Maybe she ought to try and not give them what they are so desperate for?
In my defence, I tend not to believe what is written in the paper, she's quite capable of telling it like it is.........both on TV and in her auto-biography.
Gary Numan was from round here
You in Hammersmith/Slough, dotty ?
no, he was from here
Here, where ?

Are you sure you mean Gary Numan ? :o)
he has a connection up here, I know he has, I'll remember what it is in a bit

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