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belly laugh?

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gina32 | 13:21 Thu 03rd Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
when was the last time you had a really good belly laugh, the sort that once you start you cant stop, and what made you laugh?


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It would be with Lil. Most of my belly laughs are with her. No doubt it was related to flatulence, sex or men. Or our childhood naughtiness and japers....
Probably yesterday at something the man hostage said, we laugh a lot together.
fri night
When I was watching the Max and Paddy fitness dvd at the weekend. I more or less widdled myself. If you haven't seen it do so. If I remember correctly it's called the Power of Two
Last night me & my daughter both had indigestion & took pills at the same time. She then went to bed and as we were saying goodnight, Mr O commented that it was like listening to "The Two Rennies"
Puerile, I know, but I nearly wet myself with the giggles
About 3 minutes ago after reading Rasman's hissy fit over in another thread...
Last Sunday...when i saw karenmac´s post about her shoes........still shaking now...LOL
It's odd, I was thinking about this last night and I can't remember the last time I had a real belly laugh. One where I laughed so much it hurt. It made me a bit sad.
I love a good old belly laugh. The trouble is, with laughing with Lil, they often turn into bladder laughs..... she always leaves a damp patch on my sofa.
Last night with my two brothers and nephew whilst watching the footie in the local and having a laugh at the same time. We are all best mates and it's great.
My mother, who really should get her eyes tested, telling me she'd been given a voucher in Tesco for Leek magazine. My sis had to point out it was in fact Look magazine, but we had such a good giggle about the potential contents of Leek magazine :-)
My sister in law and i were trying to discuss someone at a function we were at. She spoke to me in Italian and I replied in Spanish the confused looks on the face of the eavesdroppers had us rolling on the floor.

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belly laugh?

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