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Do you remeber Pete Postlethwaite in....

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murraymints | 18:52 Thu 03rd Feb 2011 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
Think it was called toast under the sofa? ..something like that.. he was caring for mum with dementia who passed away and he found the toast after which started the recall story... some time ago now....thought he was brill !!


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lost for words?
i think you may be confusing it with cream cracker under the sofa which also had thora hird in
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Thats the one bedknobs!!!
I think you have confused two titles:

"Lost for Words" - a 1999 adaptation of the autobiographical book of the same title by Deric Longden dealt with how Deric (Pete Postlethwaite) and his wife Aileen (Penny Downie) coped with Deric's mother Annie (Thora Hird) and her decline into dementia.

Thora Hird also starred in the Alan Bennett "Talking Heads" monologue "A Cream Cracker under the Settee".
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must be lost for words I am thinking of...
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whichever it is I am looking out for it to be shown now PP has passed away...anyone seen any sign of it being scheduled ?
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but apparently it was on ITV3 a fortnight ago.

Here's a clip...
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Yes, it was on about three or four weeks ago.

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Do you remeber Pete Postlethwaite in....

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