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I realise this shoud be in sport , but

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micmak | 22:53 Fri 04th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Chatterbank gets more answers. I watched the rugby tonight (through nothing else decent to watch) I am nt familiar with rugby Union.. Would some one explain to me the sin bin rule? Please


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The sin bin is the area where a player sits to serve the time of a given penalty, for an offense not severe enough to merit outright expulsion from the contest. Teams are generally not allowed to replace players who have been sent to the penalty box.
It started in Rugby League (where a lot of good ideas have originated) where, if a player commits a sufficiently serious offence, he has to spend 10 minutes sat on the sidelines before being allowed back on the field of play. His team have to play those 10 minutes one player short.
AB now has it's own version of the sin bin....I think I put that in suggs years back.
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Right snags. so are there different times they are sent fof?
As bibble says, 10 minutes...
Question Author
So It's always 10 mins in union and league?
Yes. Except Rugby 7s where the sending-off period is 2 minutes...
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Thanks guys very helpful.

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I realise this shoud be in sport , but

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