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hc4361 | 15:39 Sat 05th Feb 2011 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
I must have dozed off this week. Anyway, I have no idea who killed the dad, I know the boys killed the other children because he was distraught to find dad hanging.
Who had the flat with photos of the cleaner everywhere (the mum)?
Who sent the dvd to dad?


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DVD sent to the dad b y the wife's lover. Dad commited suicide
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Thanks, barb. How did dad get the small hand size bruise on his arm?
Dad didn't , it was the little boy's brother, because he wouldn't swallow the tablets
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Now I'm more confused than ever.

Can you expand on that, please, tinkie.
Photos of the cleaner were in security guard's flat I think
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Thanks, Patricia, it is all slowly piecing together.
I wish I hadn't dozed off. :(

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