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Has anyone ever heard of a Mr Christopher Friedrich?

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sandyRoe | 18:08 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I haven't, but apparently he's just left me $20 million in his will. All I have to do is contact an attorney with my bank details.


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Sweet ... beers are on you then?
yeah, get behind me in the queue!
So it must be genuine then!!. Congratulations...
a nice round amount 20 million, must have been a compulsive obsessive i can see the signs.
Question Author
It was actually 20.5 but I didn't want to be making anybody jealous so I rounded it down.
Damn decent of him,what a lovely chap.
Congratulations sandy! and you don't even have to send any money up front

Lovely avatar by the way
Good for you - now you'll be able to help out the chap in Nigeria who is always looking for someone to unlock his bank account - probably by unlocking yours
Not again, sandyroe - you really are a lucky guy!
Could give it to the Police to help them fill in their budget holes or your local council to help fill in their road holes.

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Has anyone ever heard of a Mr Christopher Friedrich?

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