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Let them eat cake she said....

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Bbbananas | 16:01 Tue 08th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
... just like Marie Antoinette.

Lyrics sqad - do you know where from? Impress me my little maestro ;-)


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Err, do I get a say in this???
Question Author
Met a man from China, went down to Asia Minor, then again incidentally if you're that way inclined....

(I may have mis-quoted a little. I need gin).
I think sqad has gone off in a huff...
are you sure its just gin you need?
-- answer removed --
although i think she would love to be the queen of cake, peri would happily admit that owuld be Boo
oops wrong one :-(
Build in? a remedy for Kruschev and Kennedy any time an invitation you can't decline

Caviar and Cigarettes ,well versed in ettiquette fastidious and precise shes a...
Killer Queen by Queen by any chance Sallam - if so i'll have a nice cream doughnut as a prize
killer Queen.
Question Author
Killer Queen - Rowan wins. Apart from Bo Rhap, I think one of their best songs.
Stormtrooper in stilletoes for me I think or maybe teo torriatte
Nah Sal, got to be I Want to Break Free. I always fancied doing that at a karaoke with my lads dressed as they were. I can handle a hoover and the washing up!!

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Let them eat cake she said....

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