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Talking of cakes 'n all

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Bbbananas | 16:44 Tue 08th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
.. Whatever happened to Fatima Whitbread?


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Well I think she got married and divorced............
And had a child...
Well in my pre rowan days my surname was the same so I used to say
I'm A fat whitbread
oops no...just checked she's a widow.
didn;t she try out for celeb masterchef?
Did'nt she have a sex change and become Lou Ferrigno aka The Hulk.....:0)

Rowan- was it you who was (has? is?) going to change your name to your username from here? Rowan I mean, not with the 'witch' bit on the end (though im sure that'll be lovely (!) if you have/do)
yes snags, saw her on tv a few weeks ago,,she looks much different than when she was an athelete
She's quite er prominent in those shorts..........
Queen of the camel toes...
Yes I did I am legally Rowan and have been since 1st Sept last year... Annette was so twee
A Jamaican walks into a bar and asks the barman for a pint of his finest bitter, the barman obliges and serves him a nice cool pint. The Jamaican takes a couple of sips and and says "eh barman, can you keep an eye on ma pint while a run to the toilet?"
The barman agrees and off he runs. While he's in there, though, a great big muscley black woman strides over to the bar, picks up the pint of bitter, puts it on the floor, squats over it, and let's out a great big loud fart.. then casually picks it back up, puts it on the bar and returns to her seat.
When the Jamaican gets back to the bar he goes to have a sip but the barman, still agog at what he's just witnessed, just stops him in his tracks and explains what's happened.
The Jamaican's furious but sees the size of the woman and is taken aback, nevertheless, he decides he has to say something, so he plucks up the courage, puffs out his chest, strides over and and goes " eh! You fart in ma Whitbread!?"
The lady looks up and says "No, I'm Tessa Sanderson!"
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pmsl at paul - that is excellent, never heard that one!

"Queen of the camel toe" - what an accolade!!
Fatima Whitbread is now running Libya.
She was on Cash in the Celebrity Attic the other day

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