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long and slow or flash fry?

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crisgal | 11:17 Tue 08th Feb 2011 | Food & Drink
26 Answers
pork chops - how do you do them?


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Coat with egg and bread crumbs, fry in butter and then add pork stock and simmer on hob for about two hours until they are melt in the mouth up the stock as needed
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don't all the breadcrumbs fall off? Or go soggy rowanwitch?
mmmm i'm having pork chops for dinner, i'm going to grill it and have it with dauphenoise pots veggies and gravy
I sprinkle mine with chinese five spice then grill.
Personally, I start them in a hot frying pan to colour and then finish in the oven for about 10-15mins.

I do not adhere to the 'cook it to within an inch of its life because it's pork' methodology. If you are buying from a trusted source and it is a joint as opposed to sausages/mince then I believe (and so do many others) that it is quite safe to eat pork that is just a tad pink (moist) in the middle. I do accept that caution should be taken with the elderly, pregnant and infirm though.
I stick mine on the George Foreman Grill.... yum :)

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long and slow or flash fry?

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