if it came down to it yes, although I admit I'd struggle at first. And yes, if you were not prepared to then surely the same moral reasons stopping you from killing the animal should suggest you shouldn't eat one.
No,No. I also do not want to milk my own cow, fetch my own tea from India etc. We pay other people who are prepared to supply us with the goods & services we require. If you object to eating meat that is your choice,so don't wave the morality flag at us carnivores.
I've never considered being a veggie, and yes I would and have killed game and fish to eat, in fact if I hadn't had a stroke and still handle a gun I'd still be doing it.
No,I agree with squarebear,you pay people to do things you don't want to or can't do.Although I AM a vegetarian I think that is fair enough.You all know it has been killed for you and you are eating it.There's a lot of jobs out there that I would be too squeemish to do as well.