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mrs_overall | 13:29 Thu 10th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
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Don't we all Salla!!
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the horse is called Squadron
I do too salla - Imagine Mrs O looking like her avatar, same as ttfn.
is that Ena Sharples? Poor ttfn (am I allowed to say that? ;-)

And you Lottie - you're not really like Hinge and/Bracket are you?
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Yes, I am a hunched over old crone in a wrap-around pinnie who walks about clutching a tray and saying "More macaroons Miss Babs?"
I don't care. Salla I do care about your avatar. Lovely, that is a really beautiful image. Were you trying to frighten somebody with that other one?
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The horse called Squadron won. The milky bars are on me!
Mrs_O......LOL and I only had a pony on it.
Hope that wasn't a 'ponty and trap' Sqad (:o(
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I won't know what my winnings are til tomorrow - I sent one of my nephews to the bookies.

I don't care what the rest of this lot say about you Sqad - I like ya!
Mrs_O....yeah! I like me too;-)

Den what is a "ponty?"
whoopsie - slip of the finger - should say pony and trap..........well spotted Sqad...

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