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St. Valentines' Day. How many?

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10ClarionSt | 22:31 Thu 10th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Wandering through the Valentines aisle in tesco t'other day, looking at all the guff and trash that probably only appeals to young teenagers, I wondered how many couples would seperate as a result of receiving something out of this aisle? You know: which cow sent you this? Was her from your office you went to the do with at Christmas? Well, fk you. we're finshed! Well done Tesco!


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ah but im going to ASDA
I can't imagine anyone would seperate for such a trivial reason. There would have to be something else going on in the background.
I really don't see this scenario at all, but then we don't do Valentines in our house. Surely you would only separate if the couples got cards from other people? - lots of together people buy them and send them to each other, happens with nearly all the couples I know!

Don't blame Tesco alone though, our whole high street had gone valentine-barmy. I think that if anyone's up to no good they are more likely to send an e-card or a text than a great big card.
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Not necessarily so, pinki. Many years ago my boss had upset the whole workforce, he had been particularly obnoxious and blunt - a Yorkshire man (that will get me some response no doubt).
Such was the general discontent I decided to send him a Valentine card. It read 'You are pretty in 2 ways. 1 - pretty ugly and 2 - pretty likely to stay that way. I got someone else to address the envelope so he wouldn't recognise my handwriting and sent it to him at the office. I was mortified when he came up to me and thanked me for the card, but I kept a straight face anyway. I did not keep the same straight face when i discovered he had said the same thing to everyone else . A lesson was learned that day, for his mood improved significantly☺
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My first Valentines day single in years. Boo hoo for me !!
Not bothered really, its just a day where people go doo-lally and spend money on gimmicks and corny gifts. If you really love someone show them every day (sick bags I know..) On the flip side I am saving money!
What I want to know is, who are these bl00dy silly people buying the cards to the cat or your mates? Seriously?!
Card for a cat?? Thats a bit weird
What a lot of old miseries. It's just a bit of fun - as everything like that should be. I wish I was young again so that I could participate. Besides it puts a bit of money back into the economy and that's supposed to be good isn't it?
I buy roses, chocolates and a meal, I get her in new undies in return! Worth every penny!! :D

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St. Valentines' Day. How many?

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