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Should we help Italy spread the burden?

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sandyRoe | 09:36 Tue 15th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
More than 4000 refugees from Tunisia have arrived at the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa over the last few weeks. Should we take some of them in here and help Italy?


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We all have our own "target immigrants" usually related to our past colonial adventures and geographies.

These particular immigrants mostly want to get to France - If you take them off of Italy's
hands they'll probably only try to get there through the tunnel

Bumping into the Afghans coming the other way most like.

I think the French need to be talking to the Italians about this one
Would they help us?
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If we were inundated with 17 year old belly dancers from North Africa, I'm sure Berlusconi would be glad to take them off our hands.
No but only because those that want to come here will make their way eventually
The Tunisians speak French as a second language - the Egyptians speak English.

I suspect we may see a rise in illegal Egyptian immigration in the next 6 months if this is anything to go by
Haven't we got more than enough of our own quota to cope with? This little island surely cannot take many more.
Take a walk across Lincolnshire and see if you still think this is a tiny island full to the brim of people :c)
I'll take that as a yes, then Jake. I still think we cannot afford them.
Short term immigration just about pays for itself - longer term we need to keep the population growing to keep the economy alive and growing for when we retire.

That however mens we need the right sort of immigration - people coming here with families to work and spend money here.

What we don't need is people coming to work here and sending the money back home.

We also need to spread it about more - people look at where they live and imagine it represents the whole country - which of course is rubbish and why I made the point about Lincolnshire.

But I repeat - this particular incident is for Italy and France to sort out.
I agree with Jake, Tunisians would most certainly want to be in France, although I'm not sure how welcoming the French would be, they already think they're overrun by Maghrebi's.
Sure - Why not ?

Send 'em all . . . .

After all - we've got plenty of resources !!!


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