Ethernet and Wireless in The AnswerBank: Internet
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Ethernet and Wireless

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kloofnek | 18:22 Fri 04th Feb 2011 | Internet
4 Answers
I have an ethernet cable running from my V+ box to my PC.(not wireless enabled)Also have a little modem on top of my topbox which Virgin media said I had to have...cannot imagine why,when Pc has a modem in it????????? Then I got a Netgear router from them as i have a laptop which is wireless enabled..which works great.Had to have a USB stick (Netgear) in PC.(with not being wireless).OK..all this worked fine.
Now I have a wireless PC so do not have the USB Netgear stick in it but my friend,who set it all up for me connected the ethernet cable to it...my question is...after all that...is do I need the ethernet cable in ,only there is miles and miles of it all pushed behind my desk,so would love to do away with it if it is unnecessary.
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Ethernet-connected is a lot quicker and more reliable than having a wireless link. Fixed PC's should really be connected through Ethernet.
Use a shorter cable!
>>>>cannot imagine why,when Pc has a modem in it

The modem in your PC is for normal ADSL phone lines.

Virgin requires a special cable modem.
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If I only had a laptop would not have Ethernet connection,so what is the difference and thanks for explaining about the modem now I know why I have to have it.

Wonder how much Virgin wil charge to shorten the lead!!!!!!

While I am here,perhaps I could ask you another question,not actually about internet connection...my laptop has starting play up...it takes me three or four goes to get it working properly ..

I boot up,get to home page and maybe onto the site I want..then it freezes(the curser still moves about ) cannot restart the usual way and have just turn it off by the on/off button...hate to do that...this happens as I have said,3 or 4 times ..then it works fine for the three hours or so I am on it...so?????????? I once saw a pop up saying something about"dumping ground" ????
Friend of mine has a disc which wipes the hard drive clean...would that help.?
2 metre cable here, click on link


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