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I've become a blobby

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McMouse | 18:35 Thu 17th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
My avatar has disappeared and I know not why. Is this a punishment meted out by Ed?


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What was your avatar?
is it rated G on
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ummmm & bibble.......rated G and was the one with the pouting lips sucking her finger. Been using it for months without any complaints.
Hmmmm odd. Have you tried changing it for anther one?
Question Author
Yes ummmm, changed it to a very ordinary one.
You'll have to email the Ed. Maybe someone complained about it. They might have thought it wasn't a finger.
Have you inadvertently deactivated your Avatar in your AB profile?
Hi McM,
After last nights "lip" thread,you probably won hands down,or words to that effect.
I think the Ed,just could,nt take anymore,he was probably sweating too much !
Question Author
Thanks AB & dg.........looked my profile and "Your avatar has been banned"
Don't know how long before I get privileges back. If Ed thought my av was inappropriate would have thought a request to change it would have sufficed.
Damn didnt see that thread - has McMouse exceeded the Pinkie-DTC show......

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I've become a blobby

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