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Sunday February 20th 2011

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nilteen | 16:51 Sun 20th Feb 2011 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Sunday Post 23d entice ??m??e 21d Red or white vegetable ????a??s


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23d allure (the dance is salsa not samba)
21d cabbages?
23 allure
21 cabbages
Question Author
Thank you Squarebear and Ubasses - any views on 22a which appears to be evasion!
No as you haven't said what the clue is.
It looks like evasion, even thought Evade would be grammatically better.
Question Author
Sorry Squarebear, I thought you were acquainted with the crossword as you changed 'the dance'
No, someone asked it earlier.
the other alternative would be evasive but again not a good answer
the grammar on this crossword leaves a lot to be desired

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Sunday February 20th 2011

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