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Owt or Nowt

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woodelf | 20:43 Sun 20th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
What do you buy someone who's got everything and what do you buy someone who's got nowt?...male or female; or both?


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A Marks & Spencer voucher. They can change for something luxurious, or food.
For someone with everything, I would but a trinket or fun gift, say a desk top toy.

For someone with nowt, a food hamper or something useful.

Mamya (smile)
Question Author
Yeah, they could always eat the hamper, eh?
A person who has GOT everything probably hasn't DONE everything. So I'd be seeking some sort of 'experience' for them. Depending upon my budget (and how much I liked them!) I might give them a course driving a racing car, a llama-trekking day, a balloon flight or just a couple of theatre tickets.

A person can have nothing but not necessarily be in immediate need of anything in particular. If they did need something, such as a new coat or to have their freezer re-stocked with food, that's what I'd go for. Otherwise though, I might still opt to give them the 'experience' that I'd give to the other person, since it would probably be something which they'd never be able to buy for themself.

and then be buried in it, woodelf....
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Yeah DT, just like me and my question, eh? Hmm, didn't expect such a philosophical answer Chris, but Thank You.
Can I have my food hamper back then, it was filled with many goodies. (sulk)
Question Author
Oh!...well you see Mamya, I needed the hamper to live in and I sold the goodies to buy some food!
Even the ones who have everything need something. I have everything I need because I have accumulated it throughout a long and useless life, so when birthday and Christmas arrive I make sure no-one buys me something I don't want by telling them what I do want. Choccies and perfume are always nice for ladies. You can't have too many of them.

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