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I'm back.....

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Bbbananas | 08:18 Mon 21st Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
I managed a 3 day flounce. (Well, not really, cos I'm not on here Friday afternoons, saturdays or sundays anyway..) Ok then, so I did half a day.

Chuck says I can apply for another one next month. I am aiming for a full 2 week one in late March.

Is the consensus that I am welcome back, or that you'd wish I'd stayed away longer? Answers on a postcard please to anywhere, cos I really don't give a fig.


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Ah, yes, that one. I didn't really know what to say in response, so I didn't say anything. Maybe he was leading up to a massive attack or something? Can't be doing with any of that on a Monday.

Go ahead punk - spoil my day. Not.

someone kick me
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Go and have a double shot of caffeine fluffy. Pull yourself together woman. Put some extra hot colemans mustard on that sausage....
<aims kick at Fluffy and misses> Sorry Murph.

Still needing caffeine before I can function properly.
i have drive in a minutes, god help anyone on the the roads. i don;t get it after a 25 minutes walk to work, you'd think i'd be awake!
salla please give me some flouncing advice. Ed has sentenced me to be a blobby for all eternity because my finger sucking avatar has been banned.
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I'm not surprised - that was very near the knuckle McM (geddit......?!!)

Seriously, it made me come out in goosebumps every time I saw it. My lips are innocent, pasta's are sparkly, crafts are lush - but yours were.... porno.

Flounce? Just do it. With high drama, panache, spirit and very LOUDLY......
Ive a bone to pick with you Salla!

On Facebook, why did you sound surprised that a child of mine was cute? LOL
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I wasn't surprised you daft bat !!!! I fully expected any child of yours to be cute. I bet you're cute on the inside, even though you try and hide that side of you!!!!

Cutey Boo Boo...
Welcome back.....even if you did call me a minger last week. xx
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Nah - you called craft a minger if I remember correctly !!
Ooooh, liar liar, pants on fire!

Anyway, I forgive you.....this time lol xx
Boo --- cute

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha ha ha h

that's like calling me skinny....

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