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mate just got back.

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The-Toff- | 02:09 Fri 18th Feb 2011 | Jokes
11 Answers
a mate of mine has just got back from from taking part in the world erection championship, he did pretty well, he got to the semi's.


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Sorry Toff, I don't get it.
You don't get it ww? - You're a male aren't you? - Perhaps in your part of the world things are different!
Is the semi's part supposed to be semen, and is that the joke? I've been up for a long time but am not awake yet.
Semi erection Widwood.
-- answer removed --
to be fair, it is often hard to understand first thing in the morning
you won't get that excuse to stand up in court, DT
Very Droll DT
No wonder I didn't get it. I thought jokes were supposed to be at least a little bit funny.
Best one in here for weeks, lol
It is not exactly up against stiff competition......

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mate just got back.

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