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she makes me feel like Sugar

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SceneMeYet | 01:45 Thu 17th Feb 2011 | Family Life
7 Answers
recently my mu has started to be really streesy with me and im seriously not doing anything< i dont understand , because she did thi sbefore took everything ou to on me and that led me to depression and its like she wants me to be like that she keeps pushing me and pushing me and ive had words with her about taking her stress and exhaustion out on me , and she siad she wasnt and that she doesnt always take things out on me , but she does, what can i do ?, and btw this is just the short story :'(


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she makes me feel like Sugar** mum ** this before** out on **said **
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why does it keep putting sugar not S-h-I-t? lol
... because we can't say shít on here, it gets 'filtered'.
-- answer removed --
she may be havig the menopause?

or stressed about something else?
Why don't you just sit down with her and ask her gently what is wrong, and if there is anything you can do. Tell her all this is upsetting and you hate to see her like this. Butter her up a bit see if that works.
Why do you want to shít on here?

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she makes me feel like Sugar

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