Things to remember when trying to get your insurance premium down:
1. (Blindingly obvious, but possibly still worth mentioning). It really does help to make sure that the vehicle you intend to drive is in a very low insurance group. For a new driver to aim at anything outside of groups 1 to 3 is simply madness.
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
2. Try both 'third party, fire & theft' (or 'third party only') and 'comprehensive' cover. (Strangely, comprehensive cover can sometimes be cheaper than 3rd party cover.
3. Consider 'Pass Plus':
4. Add a more experienced driver to your policy.
NB: I'm NOT suggesting 'fronting', whereby a more experienced driver takes out a policy in their name and you get your name added as an additional driver. That's illegal. But taking out a policy in your own name, and adding a more experienced driver (such as a parent) as a 'named driver', can see a substantial reductions in your premium. (That's perfectly legal, even if the 'named driver' will never actually drive the vehic