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price of a glass of coke in a pub

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looobylooo | 22:03 Tue 22nd Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
does being charged £2.95 for a pint of diet coke, in just an ordinary pub where they do food, seem rather steep to you?


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Bl00dy hell, that is daylight robbery!
Very steep. Lager is cheaper than that round here (Yorkshire £2.70)
95p is to much for a pint of coke
Question Author
i know!!!!
glad you agree..
went out for a sunday carvery at the weekend, ordered a pint of lager and a pint of diet coke to have with our meal - £6.10 for the two drinks!!
(im in the midlands)
Once got charged £1-50 for a pint of soda water as I was the designated driver. I complained, but to no avail, the landlord was adamant. So we all drank up & left the pub, as I was leaving I told him he'd lost out on a few quid due to his meanness.
Drinks especially soft drinks like coke are exhorbitant prices in the pubs no wonder people stay at home and drink, bought two glasses of red wine and a smirnoff ice recently in a local pub cost £12. Makes you think twice about pub socialising, bottle of wine from £4 upwards at the supermarket.
thats extortionate.......
The excise duty on a pint of beer is about £1.00 per pint, plus the VAT adds up to ~£1.40 per pint. Subtract that from the price and the beer actually costs around £1.40 per pint.
As there is no duty on soft drinks, we shouldn't be charged more than this.
It's sheer profiteering.
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to add insult to injury, it even tasted flat!!
the place wasnt even a posh place .. just a run of the mill country pub.... grrrrrrrrrrrr

i was out with friends the other night for a meal, (diff place) friend ordered a pint of orange squash to have with the food,
previously charged 50p, the other night she was charged £1.50

tut... its a dear ol game these days, socialising, isnt it ....
I blame the people that pay up.
Have you bought anything at airports lately? Most expensive place to shop, and this goes for airports world-wide.
could drink Petrol - some 60p a pint..... wont be getting petrol at that price soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hiya loooby!

It's often the case that the carvery meal is quite cheap, but they make up for this by overcharging on the soft drinks.

OH and I regularly have a carvery meal and strangely enough, they don't charge anything at all for soda water in the restaurant we use a lot. I can't understand why this should be.
Yes but that's normal by my understanding, so much for discouraging drinking and driving.
Plus Coka Cola are a very nasty company, ethically speaking.
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hi mrs c
hows you,
the carvery wasnt brilliant either lol .. £8, so all in all quite an expensive rubbish lunch out ... hmmm, we wont be returning, thats for sure!
I'm good, thanks lass. Hope you are too.

I opened "the dreaded box" the other night - think it was paella - and it wasn't too bad! :o)

We go to a local carvery that's quite good and it's only £3.59 each. I don't think you could cook it yourself for that.
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im well thanks mrs c, just getting over yet another flippin cold .. grrrrrr

oh my box is still in the cupboard lol .... but, im going to brave it out one of these days!

£3.59, thats very good isnt it. like you say you couldnt cook it at home for that .. plus theres no washing up at the end of it eh ..

the toby carveries are quite good, theyre about a fiver in the week, dearer at the weekend,
and ive heard the crown carveries are good too, i think theyre only £3.50ish or thereabouts..
Yes, it's great to walk away from all the clearing up. It's a Crown Carvery restaurant, used to be an unbelievable £2.99 just a few months ago. Great value.

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price of a glass of coke in a pub

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