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ISS over uk again for early evening sightings.

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wendilla | 17:44 Wed 23rd Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Sighting tonight is 6 54 pm coming from ssw and if you look 4 minutes after at 6 58 pm with hopefully clear skies you might spot the ATVsupply vessel on route to the Station.
Also Spaceshuttle Discovery takes off tomorrow for ISS and will be visible from Saturday. Check at NASA TV for live shuttle take off time.


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Peeing down, as usual ... I'll pass tonight :-(
Same here Naz. Has been all flippin day :O(
Question Author
Yes pretty dull here but it is over uk for nearly 2 weeks so may be lucky at the weekend.
Its precipitating here too and cloudy when it stops so this weekend is looking good.
I'd love to see the shuttle take off. One of my 'must sees'.
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Lankeela shuttle takes off 4 50 EST TIME which should be abut 10 50pm our time. Will check and post tomorrow.
I am quite lucky as I have seen a space shuttle launch, been underneath Concorde as it has taken off and seen the ISS.

Each one humbles me. My Husband tries to trump me having flown on Concorde but he can't claim any of the others. I reckon I win!
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wow Ecclescake that must have been a sight worth seeing. My grandson and son have been to the site at Florida so I have loads of photos from there.
damn, only just read this, it;s a perfectly clear night out with loads of stars, is it back in an hour or so?
Many years ago I was on a footbridge near Birmingham Airport when Concorde came in to land, it flew right over us and very low, It was the most awesome sight ever, we felt so priviliged to see it
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No Dot the next sighting is tomorrow at 7 19 pm
Overcast here not sure that it will be visible here.
i saw a space shuttle go up about 11 years ago - fantastic! What really struck me is you obv have to watch from quite a way away, and you could see it, then the huge noise came much later!
Chucking it down here, wendilla - is it around for a few days? weekend looks more promising!
Question Author
It is round for early evening viewing for nearly 2 weeks Boxtops.
Thank you!

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ISS over uk again for early evening sightings.

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