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What brought you to AB? (not been asked for a few days)

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dotty. | 11:07 Thu 24th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
My avatar subject brought me here <<<


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I had to look back to see what I asked first and it was crossword puzzles. And guess what? I didn't thank the people who helped me. If anyone is looking in who helped me in the past - thank you very much.
Question Author
Keith or Danny?
in a pear tree Lottie?
Trying to find the answer to a clue in a crossword. Don't post that much but I check in most days just to see whats happening
A crossword clue and I stayed just on Q&P for years. Used to pop into CB for a look round and it scared me to death!
I needed a train form A - B =)
Got some great answers as well
Leaking toilet cystern! I just googled it and a previous question/answer came up. Been stuck here ever since, waiting for them to come back for me
My Son used to be on here and told Me about it.
He left home for Uni and Hubby works long hours so I'm home alone a lot.
I got sick of Facebook so I joined Ab earlier this year, and could'nt think of a question to ask so Hubby was telling Me to ask things about His bike.
I'm hooked it's better than watching T.V lol
Went to ask a question.After rigorous checks,allowed to join.Happened upon CB,been here ever since.
So glad I did,because I have thoroughly enjoyed myself.
My first question- was this

chinese fried rice
how do i make fried rice like they make it in the local chinese takeaway . i can not find a recipe anywhere
14:20 Sat 17th Feb 2007 answers, last by unruliejulie 09:51 Tue 20th Feb 2007
Crosswords .......... then I gave a silly answer to a Q from Dusty.
I didn't even know there was a DIY section then :o)

I was stuck on one clue "dog star" (6) and I was sure the answer was Sirius
This was confirmed by several people in Q&P but it wouldn't fit
When the answers were published, the correct answer was "Lassie"
I came to chatterbank cos I thought it was a chat-up site.

I got Sqad........
There was a song on a Lynx advert some years ago by Oliver Cheetham which I recognised but for the life of me couldn't remember who it was by or what is what called.

So I googled it and this site popped up as somebody had aleady asked the question.
I'd demand a refund salla
I was given a membership for my birthday. Best present I've ever had.
the correct answer was "Lassie"


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What brought you to AB? (not been asked for a few days)

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