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I will love you and leave you...

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Bbbananas | 17:43 Thu 24th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
No, not a fake flounce or a hissy fit. Just a few days off. I have an extremely posh wedding to attend. Shall have to try & behave myself during the wedding breakfast & speeches (after that, anything goes).

Off to polish off the tiara & to find the matching sparkly spangly silver shoes & handbag.

Have a good weekend my friends. A lazy self-indulgent one. Relax, chill out and spread...whatever you want to spread. Remember - Il dolce far niente xx

I hope to see you, limbs & faculties intact, next week. Some time.


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(anyway, I have to remind myself I am still, actually, legally, in the eyes of God and the Law, still married...)

Note to self: Don't take another 5 years to get round to filling in those papers.
Missing you already salla.
Have a lovely time and return in one piece Salla.♥

I have a more sedate weekend planned, my newest Grandson's Baptism.
Have a lovely time......and don't be getting your baps out at the reception! xx
salla just you have a great time. it's an old one but don't do anything i wouldn't.

one day i'll tell.

mamya : hope the weather stays fine for the baptism and all the grandparents and godparents behave themselves.
Me, behave? well of course.

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