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When I'm 148 years old in 2011 and

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SIRandyraven | 19:11 Sat 26th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
The census data is available to the public ....
Will I be at risk ?

Also do you think humanity will still exist in it's current form or we will be governed by a an army of apes ?


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in fairness andy you were not full of fun yesterday
SIRR, I think the AB Police are more of a threat to you than the 'real' ones, lol
Bye then

You're interesting contributions will be sorely missed

Come back soon
What was he all about?
Can think of better ways to wind people up.....strange
Don't think he actually wound anyone up, just made himself look a prat
Yeah JL..........still fail to see any humour in his posts.......think the wits out....thankfully he isnt driving ;)
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My humour will be missed ...

Joeluke , does this mean we are no longer an item ?
Your humour SAR?

Sorry, the next time you post something humourous will be the first
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I'm shocked that someone thought I was serious !!,
And they say I have a low IQ !
Last IQ test I got 136 not sure if that was high or low at the time.
At the end of the day it's the bucks you can earn that measures your IQ....
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Joeluke ....
You are so easy to wind up ...
Just read your own reply.

I think I love you ....can we be pen pals ?
You've wound me up???

Lol, keep trying
I hope this isn't another flounce thread. Is the engagement off then?
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Yes even thou Joeluke replies to even comment I make on here , i feel we are drifting apart. If he replies this comment I think it is true love however ...
He is not wound up but feels the need to call me names and be nasty to me ...
Makes me so sad when I love him so much ...
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Even = every ...grrr iPad typos
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Ps what's a flounce thread ?
Example of my low IQ not knowing ...
(sits and waits for the knights first humourous post)
-- answer removed --
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Joeluke you replied's true love ....

Do write please while I'm gone and be faithful
SAR, I think it's probably true love every time you look in the mirror

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