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AB connection problems ?

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Answerprancer | 21:23 Sat 26th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Is it just me or is AB playing up again ?
ie. v slow to load/browse


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Mine's OK at the mo AP. I lost the connection last week though.
Mine seems a lot faster than normal......
That's a very cute boy up there ^^^.
mine's fine and i'm on a dongle not that i'm boasting or anything :-)
I had problems connecting a few minutes ago.
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That's me Society er, a few years ago - I haven't changed much !
Will I be able to recognise you on stage????
You look like a younger version of that bloke in the series with the 3 horrible kids....
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Hugh Dennis ? LOL - I suppose I do a bit.
Ummmm - not from that pic I doubt.
it's fine, it;s you

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AB connection problems ?

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