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What is is about AB.....?

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boxtops | 09:18 Sun 27th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
I promised myself (when I signed off at 2am this morning) that I wouldn't come on here this morning. I have other much more important and time-limited stuff to do today. But here I am... no will-power!


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going to go and have breakfast now .Shall I switch off or leave pc on .?
Oh, cripes, Boxy ... you can't have a cooked breakfast without beans !
for me, it has to be thick white bread (not toasted), with lashings of tomato ketchup! Nothing else will do!

the cafe on the beach front....I always eat there after the Gatwick run.
I'm going to look for a new telly. I might get some brekkie while I'm out.

One of my tellys died yesterday. The picture just vanished, although the sound was still coming out.


It has to go to the big sitting room in the sky ... ie the dump.
OMG I'm hungry now, and here I am trying desperately to diet. So it's the one ounce of cornflakes and 4 fluid ozs soya milk for me. Followed by a soya yoghurt and perhaps one of my five a day. Yeeurgh. (sobs)
Starbuck ...

That's just your Starter, right ?
Just had mine. Sausage, bacon, poched eggs, mushrooms, beans and toast! Now I am eyeing up a croissant. I am am going to have a greedy day today, I just know it.
Ooh, "yum" to jd's breakfast !
When I bought new tv they passed my details to licensing authorities. I bought it for my mum who was 88 using her address for delivery. I had a hard time convincing tv that I didn't live there.
Good morning all.
My PC is right near where I feed Lt Tiggs so my finger is in reach of the on button. As soon as I've finished feeding and cleaning away, Lt Tiggs watches a bit of CBeebies while I join in with the AB banter.

Mr Tiggs is here at the moment so he's keeping Lt Tiggs occupied.
jj - If this keeps up I might just have to give in - just for the day.
See I couldn't resist coming back for a nosey after I have had my breakfast but have to switch off as going out. Have a nice day all.
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you too wendilla, I'm just about to start doing the things I meant to start when I got up!
Bye be back about 5 ish with the Iss times . 7 O 3 PM 3 MINS.
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Thank you!!

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What is is about AB.....?

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