Lonnie: "The Communists didn't, we know that, because they said so, and they killed as much as the believers did. "
The familiar forms of Communism share the same fundamental principles of the Abrahamic religions. They have the same concept of demanding absolute compliance to unquestionable principles dictated by a central authority.
Communism is civil organisational principle, as is the religion in societies organised on theistic religious lines. These are not the fundamental principles.
What they do share they also share with the National Socialists and that is the desire for fascist implementation.
Hitler sought to bring peace by killing anyone having values that did not conform to those of the majority and central authority. Fascists including Genghis Khan, Maoists, Marxists and Abrahamic churches have always used violence to enforce their dictates.
Fascism is one of the earliest attempts to bring order to civilisation. Those who support the principles of the Abrahamic churches are stuck in a primitive philosophy and fail to comprehend the advances in morality made by secular societies since Joshua and his followers slaughtered hundreds of thousands in their brutal genocides.
Indeed the church has been a central impediment to those advances and many people have paid the ultimate price for standing up to its fascist arrogance.