I was watching the warm up to the Oscars a while ago, and thought, would I like to be in the shoes of these so called Stars/actors etc?
They must lead such a false life of having to look good 24 hours of the day every day and night and all the false interviews they have to give.
Yes they make tons of money but would it suit you to have no privacy and the media following you to the supermarket and the loo etc?
Anyway most of the films that win Oscars are usually boring!
I'd like to be in plays and films and would certainly like the money... But I'd not be happy giving up my privacy and I'd be constantly snapped without my make up on.
Film stars only have that type of lifestyle because the 'buy into it'. I don't seem to have seen much in the news about John Cleese, Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, Patrick Stewart and others having tremendous problems with media intrusion. It's only those who openly court continuous media attention that seem to have such problems.