lol, cheating ? NEVER !!!
I was merely asking the host of my usual board, how long it takes to get an answer of the riddle team and since Im such a nice girl, he posted the link to stage 2 to me, so I could continue feeding my addiction,ha,ha.
I didn't even ask for it! :o))
I'm really working hard on this riddle, but I've become quite good at "spying",too. 8-)
There are a few sites, where a lot of the riddle is being discussed, sometimes they even post links.Somebody opened a forum, but they have closed it now, because they didn't want to spoil the "fun" for others, to find the answer themselves.
Anyway,I'll post the links I've got here........and as far as I know, the anser to 1.27 is just "the answer to this riddle", as usual,I've not had an answer :o((
this helps.........btw, I think the sites will all be down till tomorrow afternoon, they have stuff to sort out.
If you go on the original Net Riddle page, it'll tell you.
And if you win, I want a house in the south of france and a swimming pool, ta !.......ggg :o)))