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Night Night Everyone ♥

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ttfn | 02:18 Sat 05th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
from Mamyalynne.
Her computer is officially u/s :o(
A replacement is on her shopping list :o)


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Goodnight Mamyalynne and goodnight ttfn. I am going to bed. Mr LL went to bed 4 hours ago!! Mind you he had been up since 5.00am.!!
Night night ttfn and mamyalynne. I am off to bed as well, maybe just to read for a while but I had better at least give it s try.
Goodnight Ena and Mamyalynne.

Goodnight to you as well, Starbuckone, but I wish that you'd not mentioned reading. You've reminded me that I need to finish off writing that book you want to read! (I've done some outline drafts for what will probably be the final three chapters today but no real writing).
I'm still up
Up where? Up what? Up who?
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Good morning Elsie
Oh heck!

Elsie & Ena together! That's a sure recipe for trouble ;-)
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'tis true Chris, I am a woman of many moods ;o)
That brought back so many memories. I'm certainly not living at liberty hall now, just a poor pensioner
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Snap ;o)
Good morning ttfn and mamya. Went to bed very early last night. So tired. Hope you and mamya are well and have a great weekend. X
aw ttfn, how's she going to supervise MOFC without a computer - are you going to be major domo by proxy?
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Hi boxy, unfortunately we are both to be absent tonight. I did post to ladyalex earlier, but she has not seen it. I am only qualified to be a minor domo and a poxy one at that :o(

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Night Night Everyone ♥

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