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Metropolitan Police?

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Dris | 21:25 Sat 05th Mar 2011 | Law
27 Answers
Funny how only London and its extended Boroughs have a different name for their Police force...for example;


My Mums cousin was in over all charge of the Drug Squad there and even appeared on Crimewatch on several occasions...Derek Todd if anyone wants to check it out.

I also had a mate who transferred from the met to Tayside and have another mate who is a Sergeant with Tayside Police who is currently seconded to the Met.

So why does the Met seem to be a seperate 'branch' of the Police force?


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-- answer removed --
why was he removed ?
Does London still have the River police as well (or Port of London police)? We have a separate arm down here, the Dover Harbour Board police.
hi cazz , just loged on and a post from someome with initials DT was removed.
Didn't see the actual post but someone calling themselves Derek Todd has posted - the same name that is mentioned in the actual post so I am assuming that they said something nasty.
I only looked briefly but it seemed to contain personal details about an individual - probably not best posted on a site like this!

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