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Is Andrew a fit person to be representing the UK ?

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sandyRoe | 23:28 Sun 06th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Associating with convicted paedophiles, enjoying massages from teenage girls, and costing us all a fortune. What would him dear mama say?


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Could you claim immunity from prosecution craft?
With plenty of money and power and all those powerful friends it is very likely he will escape with little or no punishment. Those photographs are revealing aren't they? It will be interesting to see what happens.
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Andrew met Epstein after he was released from prison. That must bring his judgement into question.
daoji Andrew is not being charged with anything and there is no suggestion that he has any involvement in any naughties.
I used to socialise with a bloke who got found guilty of murder............oooh yes I really saw that one coming.
Epstein was charged on one count of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution this was a plea bargain.Epsteins defence team agreed to the move of suggesting that the victims sue Epstien in the civil courts. The police working on the case were angry about that He had paid teenage girls to recruit other teenage girls.
Andrew must have known about all this. As and envoy for the UK and his royal connections he should definately have had an adviser on board.
taking a shot in the dark here, but couldn't it be concievable that the teenage girls who got involved with him were after a share of his bank balance?
What's it got to do with Prince A though anyway? - anyone can have shifty associates without being involved in what they're up to. He's got s0d all else to do.
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^ these days. I admired him when he piloted helicopters in the Falklands War.
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boxtops, he could take up golf
I agree craft, the lawyers are wrangling litigation so Andrew doesn't have to present evidence, be involved in the case and be exonerated of all involvement.
He's always enjoyed the high life though - I think he does play golf! - it's the Prince of Wales all over again (not this one, Queen Victoria's son). Not likely to be King now, no aim in life.
Dotty - of course they are after a share of his bank balance. And all jumping on the band wagon by the look of it. But then, that is what prostitution is all about isn't it? And the men who take advantage of it have to pay.
So hang on Starbuck... you are saying that it's perfectly okay to take money from someone to have sex with them quite voluntarily and then to cause hell to come raining down on his head because you can make more money selling your story to a rag or dragging him through the courts? Whose the immoral one in that scenario? Makes you wonder who the victim is.
No, sorry Nox. I gave the wrong impression there. The women who are jumping on the bandwagon to get money in whatever way they can are very immoral. It's a bit like President Clinton with Monica whatsername. I mean - she saved a dress with stains on. It was obvious she intended to make money from it in the future. Very wrong. And in this case they appear to be coming out of the woodwork to accuse him. However, I still think Andrew was very foolish to lay himself open to this. He should appear whiter than white for his public even if he isn't. How can he hope to obtain any support from the British public if he doesn't
I think the thing is that some people ( not yourself, I'm talking more generally) fail to understand exactly how much of a target a wealthy man has painted on him for any opportunist young ladies who think they'll chance their arm. Clearly as with the whole Michael Jackson circus that went on a while ago, the younger the girl and more shocking the tale the more the wealthy man in question is likely to terrifiedly cough up to shut them up- whether he's done anything or not. I don't know who Jeffery Epstein has or hasn't had sex with, but I do know that the world and his wife tried to extort money from him on the basis that they know mud sticks. As for Prince andrew hasn't he always been a bit of an embarassment anyway?
Looking at the DM website it's getting even worse.............apparently the guy gave Fergie some money towards her debts!
Well, if that's the way the rich live perhaps its preferable to be poor, although not too poor of course, just middling. I would hate to have to look over my shoulder all the time wondering if the person I was with genuinely liked me or was just out for what they could get out of me.

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Is Andrew a fit person to be representing the UK ?

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