When I click on something to open a page - within - a - page, it vanishes up to the top and I've to maximise or drag it down. I know there'll be a simple solution as to why it's started to do this, so any help would be appreciated please.
Shotcuts can be made to open program minimised ...
Try resizing the page by dragging out, then closing while holding Ctrl and Shift down together, then trying again.
If you use Firefox to view the internet...
RIGHT click on the link you want to view
On the options that come up LEFT click on "Open in new tab"
The new page will now be on a TAB beside the TAB you opened it from
Thanks for those replies, but the problem still persists. The various initial pages have to be maximised down to full screen width. Some start opened half way up and others hardly any length at all. I know I should know the easy solution, but it's a nuisance.(Not firefox, but Google) Once again, any help appreciated.
You haven't explained exactly what you are opening or using.
What applications is it happening in ..? Like ..
"Using XP Home" ... "When I click on a link in a Firefox web page, the link appears to shoot up minimized to the top corner of page and disappear" "This causes another browser page to open separately, which I cannot see"