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Carnival today in Sta Eulalia.

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netibiza | 09:58 Tue 08th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What shall I dress up as? Methinks an oap will do!


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Dress up as a giant langoustine.
a dancing ninja turtle
Just wear your paisley leggings & tie-dye t shirt & go as a dancing migraine neti :o)

> > > > > > >
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Oh you are up then Robinia, about time too. Actually I like the dancing ninja turtle idea.
So you're going to cobble this together by 5pm are you neti?

good luck with that :o)
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Come on Robi, us old 'uns are good at recycling old clothes, shall be done in a minute!

Thanks heavens for modern sewing aids.
We're all looking forward to seeing the pics
i def want to see the pics :-)

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Carnival today in Sta Eulalia.

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