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census forms...

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stokemaveric | 21:20 Tue 08th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
have you filled in yours yet??? or shall you not be bothering???...but it is against the law if you dont..


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Superb, isn't it?
What about Liverpool

Q17 - have any of your household have been arrested in the past week - if so for

* Public Disorder
* Vandalism
* Shoplifting
* Burglary
* Robbery
* GBH/ABH/or acts of violence
* Sexual
* Murder
* Racial or Bigotry
* Family Abuse
Not allowed to comment.
I've been censored.
Take no notice of her, mate. We don't.
well at least it is only a censoring and not castration........Sirandy
I am going to put my visiting house mouse down on the form, he/she will certainly be here on the night of the 27th ----- do I give a toss about the outcome in 100 years time.? MIght put my little JR down as well.
Seriously tho , I do know someone very well indeed who has never ever completed a form or been included on one -- what has happened to them ---- sweet FA.!
I am going to do mine online...tomorrow
as long as you describe your mouse as one of your offspring as the address you have to give is yours.....and then you can add the relation bit........should be fun

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