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netibiza | 15:07 Wed 09th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
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yes I did thank, very informative netibiza

th I have subbed to to Groupon, very good ta for the link
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the restaurant offer for now but the deals are cracking
Bobbi, tell me if I'm right, I can't see Canterbury/Folkestone/Dover anywhere on the locations!
triggs is probably better placed then me to answer boxy

Triggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (shouts)
odd , boxy, No none of them are there
very strange, you have a small place like Gateshead and yet none of the one you mention
Could you not have just emailed her to ask if she enjoyed the email or am i being daft ;)

Buddy scrapping with next doors cat..................................zoom !!!!!!!

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FAO Bobbisox

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