I want to take my net book away with me for the weekend at the end of April, and would like to buy a Dongle, although I am not sure how they work. I have figured out I need a 'broadband' dongle and not a 'wi fi' one, and I also want one that is PAYG. Do I buy the dongle, and then purchase a top up, and do I have a limited time to use the balance, as I have seen some mention of 30 days?
I think you get a monthly allowance - same as free minutes on your mobile - and if you don't use the allowance up by the end of the month you lose it. You can get some that are only on a month's contract, which you can renew every month till you decide you no longer want it, and others which have 12/18 month contracts. If you would only be using it for going away you'd be as well to just get the 30 day one rather than commit yourself to a lengthy contract for something you may not use.