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Bbbananas | 11:57 Thu 10th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
(Fear of going to sleep). I can say with some certainty that this is something I certainly don't suffer from. In fact I don't know anyone who does. It must be pretty awful. In fact it makes me feel quite lethargic just thinking about it. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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I fall asleep at odd times during the day. Sometimes I don't even realise I have gone until I wake up and find out I've missed the end of the programme I'm watching and don't know who the murderer is. Good thing they repeat so often. Different during the night, when I wake up and find great difficulty going back to sleep. Bodies! or Brains! whatever it is governs our sleep patterns.
whats the opposite Sall, I think I have it ;-(
No problems getting to sleep salla, all I have to do is think of a Sheep and I'm a goner !! :-))))
Sleeping sickness! (I'm joking) :-)
nine hours no probs Star..
Bobbi - you don't know how lucky you are. :-)
yes I know, I shouldn't be so very flippant about this Star, I would hate it if I couldn't sleep, an odd occasion this has happened but it's as rare as hens teeth

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