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woke up bright and cheerful, the postie cometh..

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Bobbisox | 10:52 Thu 10th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
and gave me the dreaded water rates for this year!!!
arghhh a rise of £50 for the year.....
and I think the French own it more Golden Delicious for me , harumphhhhh!


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I just got a census form Bobbi. Our water rates aren't too bad as we don't pay for sewage disposal!!
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filled the cenus in online LL, much easier clicking on a dot than having to write, thank God for a computer eh:-)
Didn't know you could. Thanks Bobbi.
Well I sort of woke up.... then got a phone call from the hospital. My next ankle operation (the sixth one) will be on the 5th April and I am dreading it. I hate being in hospital. :-(
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Did mine on line yesterday Lottie. Only too 10 minutes.
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thinking of ya Jan x
th, I know I wont be having anyone staying here then, Bills son lives in Cambs and my daughter has her own place with her family and I wont be inviting anyone else to have 'sleepover.
LL, you just go to the website then type in the 5/6 blocks of letters and follow from there
Thanks Bobbi. That bloody sticky k key. Took 10 minutes I meant.
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what will they be doing Jan, and obviously you will be in plaster for a while
was this caused by a break 6 ops ago?
Sorry Bobbi, had to go out for the day and just seen your question. Yes, it is another op on my ankle but got a new surgeon this time. Going to take some of the metal out and shave a bit of bone off so hopefully I will then be able to straighten my foot and won't be in so much pain. I am not holding my breath though. Been told I should only be in plaster for 6 weeks this time, not 8 months like the last op!

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woke up bright and cheerful, the postie cometh..

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