Am I right in thinking that to have more than one god would've seen us evaporated from life a long time ago? Here's why I think this, If there are more than one god then wouldn't they be likely to argue over everything and then possibly destroying us in anger before resurecting us ad infinitum? Have any of you seen the movie Clash of the Titans or maybe it was Jason and the Argonauts where the gods couldn't agree on anything and there was a lot of anger, revenge and punishment, wouldn't this be a likely scenario if there was a whole group of gods?
I think if your going to have a theiest belief then basing it on Clash of the Tinas is as good as anything else.
However if there was a god of each religion do you not think the whole thing would be a game like risk or Monoply. You know " my religion just invaded mesopotania you owe me 10,000 gold pices and the blood of your second daughter" and so on.
Maybe God would like to post an updated version of his teachings on the Interweb? - c'mon God that should be easy for you and would save a lot of bickering!
OK Lonnie..lets see if I've got this right, thousands of years ago a 'god' communicated in some way with one or more priests of a minority religion. The 'words' of the 'god' were interpreted and 'codified' and written down somehow and somewhere. These codified words were later translated then edited and then printed. People base their lives on these words? how bizarre.