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Mrs Waterboatman

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albaqwerty | 17:25 Fri 11th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
isn't keeping well so WBM has his nurses outfit on.

No kidding around folks, hospital tests are in the offing. :(

He asked me to let you know he's missing his morning posts (I know Doc and sqad aren't)

Just thought I'd let you know before I tootle.

Anyhoo, hope everyone has a good weekend xx


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FAO Alba, Send him my best wishes please.
Please add my good wishes too. x
alba, please send good wishes from me, hope Mrs WBM is sailing again before too long.
All the v ery best to both of you ,sincerely Brenda.
I feel the same way, I don't contribute to the thread but always notice it is there because it welcomes the beginning of the day. So I hope Mrs Waterboatman gets well soon.
thanks for letting us know, alba and please add my best wishes for speedy get-wells
Thanks for letting us know alba, I sometimes read WBM's good morning thread and I thought how nice it was for someone to do that. I imagined someone on quiet early mornings on a boat gently rocking while the mist rises. Please sent my regards to them both I hope things get better for them soon.
Best wishes to Mrs WBM xxx
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eyeoop, no offence meant sqad, I know you're not into the Morning and happy birthdays etc but I really didn't mean to offend you. x offence taken.

Went out with a woman once (or maybe twice) who used the phrase "eyeoop"...she came from Yorkshire.....Sheffield to be precise......LOL
i will add them both to my prayers.

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