Travel11 mins ago
S2 Fraud Act
Two years ago my ex-wife dropped the bombshell that my 15year old daughter was not mine. She admitted this to the CSA who calculated that I had overpaid £3500 in payments but that I would have to sort it out between ourselves as i had made direct payment. My ex wife suggested that I cash in the life policy on our daughter £5000. In order that her current husband didnt find out we arranged the correspondance to come to my address and like an idiot I signed the form for her on her agreement. Now 18months down the line I have been arrested and bailed at home to go to the Police station later in the week. Am i right in thinking that i will be Ok as I was in the belief that I was acting honestly?? It is her word now against mine and I know for a fact that she has been taking anti- depressants
'Fraud' used to be dealt with under the Theft Act 1968. That provided the following defence:
"A person’s appropriatio n of property belonging to another is not to be regarded as dishonest—
(a)if he appropriates the property in the belief that he has in law the right to deprive the other of it, on behalf of himself or of a third person; or
(b)if he...
"A person’s appropriatio
(a)if he appropriates the property in the belief that he has in law the right to deprive the other of it, on behalf of himself or of a third person; or
(b)if he...
19:32 Sun 13th Mar 2011
bednobs I can't quite understand your viewpoint. I paid CSA that she claimed was for 2 daughters of mine for over 3 years for 12 years I supported both daughters at home. On top of CSA i carried on paying into insurance policy. I agreed to take the m oney so as not to put my ex=wife through a court system and then to have to pay me back putting her possibly in financial difficulty which in turn would affect my daughters. Therefore yes the money was meant for my daughters whom have had more money lavished on them than this paltry 5k