Mr What..the?'s face is quite often red and hot on one side (his left) he often wakes with it in the mornings, but sometimes he also gets it during the day, I have checked its not just him laying on that side or him laying in bed in full the sun, none of which is the case so I am stuck for answers. He is extremely over weight and unfit, could this be a symptom of something more serious?
Because of his weight he has not been to the doctor for many many years, if he was found to have a serious condition or the sysmptoms of such he might go to seek help, I would have to find good evidence of this though for him to go.
Does red/hot face on left side ring bells with anyone?
There are many causes which could account for this, but the bottom line is that it needs investigation.
See you GP.....not urgent.......but as a routine, non urgent appointment.
This interested me because I think I had come across before. As Sqad says Mr What the should see his doctor at some time about it, but thought this might interest you. (I am not saying this is what he has though!!)