Yesterday Balls saw fit to cash in on the Japanese crisis and suggest that the Government will use this as an excuse on the economy.
True he was slated, even by some members of his own party, but does this really not show the depths labour will go to and how little they understand how the economy works.
Figures show Billions are wiped out due to the tragedy, its not an excuse but a very easily understandaby fact.
Are there no depths labour will sink to to score a point ?
No YMB, I'm afaraid it's all pretty standard Noo Labour stuff. Rememeber the 9/11, "good day to bury bad news" email for one on their lackies? It's ingrained in the Lefty psyche.
The fact that Balls worked in the treasury under Gordon Brown you would think he had a special insight what makes the financial world tick. Unfortunately as he was part responsible for the last Labour's debts so he has to defend his record. Unfortunately spending good money to right a bad decision is like a losing punter thinking his next bet will be on a winner.