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Dolmio white sauce

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ket | 12:18 Thu 06th Oct 2005 | Food & Drink
9 Answers

I cooked a fab lasagne yesterday using the dolmino sauces. Now i have about 3/4 of a bottle of the dolmino white sauce for lasagne left over. What on earth can i cook with it?

 I've also got a HUGE chunk of salmon in the freezer. Could i do something with the two?



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what about cooking some courgette, flaking the salmon into it, mix with some cooked pasta, seasoning and whatever fresh herb you've got lying about, pour over white sauce, top with grated cheese and stick in the oven for twenty mins.

Question Author

that sounds good to me


hope you're sharing it!

The salmom recipe sounds lovely but when I use Dolmio white for lasagne I use the whole bottle you put the sauce in between each layer or at least i do.

Forgot to say as well as on the top and I spelt salmon wrong anyone got a spare brain!!!!!!!!!!!
I've got three quarters of a bottle of spare brain left if you want it billearly?
Question Author
Yes billearly i use a whole bottle too but because i love white sauce i normally add 1/4 or 1/2 of another, and when i have the remaining left i never know what to do with it.
Ah right I thought you only used a 1/4 of the bottle,and as I only have about a 1/4 of a brain in working order the 3/4 will do nicely thanks,can you send it DHL please. 
And Inee try some cross stitch, by the way I am female not what the name implies.

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Dolmio white sauce

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